Time to rebrand or refresh your logo?
There is often a belief that a company’s logo should not change.
There is brand recognition and equity in a logo that has taken time to build and modifying it is throwing away all of the value you have worked hard to achieve. That said, there are cases where changing your logo is the most logical next step in furthering your brand value and improving the relationship you have with your customers. So when is the right time to rebrand or refresh?
Does it make sense to keep an existing logo or is it time to rebrand?
A well-designed logo might stand the test of time, but then again, there may come a time when it needs a bigger overhaul.
General Motors updated their logo in early 2021. It was the first major update of their identity in over 50 years. The rebrand supports their shift in focus to electric vehicles and reflects the updated mission of a cleaning future.
Burger King also launched a revived brand. They wanted the perception of their food to shift from the unhealthy views of the past and reflect their new mission of healthier fast food. The new look is more nostalgic to its past while also introducing bold, playful elements that are very much in line with current trends.
So how do you know whether your logo still works or if it’s time for a rebrand? If your target audience does not think of your brand the way you’d like, it might be time for a rebranding exercise.
Here are a few considerations when evaluating whether to rebrand:
- Does your logo still match your brand positioning?
- Have you progressed past start-up stage?
- Have you merged with another company?
- Has your business expanded into a new market?
- Does your visual brand still align with your target market’s values?
When will a refresh do the job?
There are times when a logo just needs to be updated. These changes are not drastic and typically consist of a slight modification or enhancement. Visually, your logo will be different when compared to the previous one, but the changes are more subtle and the brand equity remains intact.
Even the oldest brands that are household names, like Coca-Cola, have changed. For over 100 years, the brand has evolved to keep its appeal, stay fresh, and be competitive in the market. Each new version keeps the core elements of the brand intact to remain recognizable.
The key to an effective update is making sure your visual identity still matches the message and brand position you occupy, or wish to occupy, in the marketplace.
Here are a few considerations when approaching a logo refresh:
- Are there some slight modifications you could make to your graphic(s) that would be closer aligned with your brand position?
- Do you have enough brand recognition to simplify your logo?
- Is there a new font that better represents your brand?
- Is your logo’s colour palette current or does it hinge on a trend from many years ago?
As you work through the process of refreshing your logo or rebranding, you also need to keep in mind all of the materials your identity touches such as website, signage, packaging or brochures, and develop a plan of action to implement or roll-out your new look. We have an easy to follow checklist that can help identify what might need updating that you can find here.
Your logo is your brand ambassador
Your logo has an important job to do and works hard to represent your company or service in the best possible light. Take a look at your logo. Is it doing the job well as your ambassador? If not, it’s time for an update or make-over.
Whether it’s a refresh or rebrand, you will ensure your identity looks visually energized and current to your customer, while making your competition look twice.

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