Summertime Marketing Media Mix

ArticlesJune 23, 20231 Minutes

With the warmer weather of summertime, people are eager to get out of their homes and enjoy the great outdoors. We are all craving the sun and looking to be outside. That change in lifestyle leads to a different media consumption as people tend to stay away from their TV and spend less time on social media feeds.


“Audio ads in the summer can help reach your target audience when they’re less likely to be distracted by a cluttered media environment”


So how do you adjust your advertising over the summer months? Consumers typically increase their audio listening as they head out on a road trip, relax at their campsite or on a cottage dock, or are gardening in the backyard.  So audio media can be an effective addition to your media mix over the summer months. Your messaging can also reflect the change in season, and be adjusted to work better for passive listening.

Seasonality impacts your media mix and messaging just like it does your wardrobe. Planning for the changing seasons can help improve your media ROI.

Source: **Young Canadians More Trusting of Information on Social Media Than Other Generations